Welcome to Ancillary International, we are committed to providing the quickest, least expensive and most effective methods of international process service for Tonga.
Ancillary has extensive experience with The Hague Convention, the Inter-American Treaty, Letters Rogatory and the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.
Call us today and an Ancillary International lawyer on staff will review your request at no charge. We will then suggest the most appropriate methods of service that apply to your case, including how to avoid process service costs, when you may use a special form of service by international mail or a private server, and ways you may be able to reduce process and translation costs.
Tonga is not a party to either of the two international service of process treaties, so formal service requires Letters Rogatory:
USC Title 22 Foreign Relations, Chapter I Department of State, Sec 92.54. Letters Rogatory through diplomatic channels are mandated for formal service in all countries that are not parties to an international process treaty. Documents must be sent through diplomatic channels adhering to strict formal diplomatic protocol. The lengthy and expensive procedures are not to be confused with the procedures of The Inter American Treaty on Letters Rogatory, which does not go through the diplomatic channel, even though these methods of service share a confusingly similar name.
When you begin discovery in your lawsuit let Ancillary assist you in obtaining evidence abroad.
When evidence sought is in a foreign country, it is necessary to observe not only applicable state or federal rules, but also the laws and regulations of the foreign country where the evidence is located.
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Contact us for a free consultation with an Ancillary Legal representative.